
Waiting for the snow

Yesterday was the first day since I moved in that I didn’t see the mountains from my sofa, and today is the most beautiful they have ever looked.

Our first snow arrived in a true winter storm, and I was in love with every moment of that. It was like being wrapped up in every creature comfort again... Blustery winds, heavy snowfall, silence around the neighbourhood and such cosy winter clothing. The longer nights, late sunrises, and the intensity of blue hour when there is only snow everywhere have returned again after what felt like an eternity. My soul couldn’t be happier.

Everyone’s favourite few weeks

For the weeks and weeks before, I couldn’t spend enough time outside. The colours and crisp air but still warm sun pulled me out. Familiarity with the countryside felt less like a chore and more like a consequence. Entire mountainsides were covered in reds, oranges and yellows, and I constantly thought I had never been in a place more beautiful. I wondered passing other vehicles along the highways, “Do they know how beautiful this is? Are they seeing this too?”. I wanted to pull over every 100m and breathe heavy breaths at the beauty.


The heart of the aurora chase


Hitting the ground crawling