An evolution of enjoyment

Green and purple aurora corona

On any other night in Whitehorse, leaving as early as we did would have been insane, but we had overcast skies to run from and a geomagnetic storm to meet up with.

As I was thinking about potential locations earlier in the evening, I had one place I kept coming back to. Mountain scenery above a river that should be beyond the clouds.

A little more pause

In a still new(ish) experience for me, after 17 years, I wasn’t drowning in hundreds of photos on my computer after a night like this as maybe I usually would have been.

As I was thinking about writing this, the word enjoyment, and finding more enjoyment, kept coming up in a way to describe my experience this night being more balanced in both viewing and living the aurora as actually photographing it, but that really wasn’t it.

I do love living the aurora through photography, and it increases my enjoyment of the aurora just so much. My ‘lack’ of photos from a night like this reflected an additional enjoyment of just standing back and watching in real time the aurora weave itself across the entire sky and feeling the pure amazement in that and the magic of life it brings.

This was an additional enjoyment, and not the replacement of one joy with another.


It never leaves you


Abrupt chaos, warm winds, and tripod tumbleweeds