“Immer hinter der Kamera laufen”


Immer hinter der Kamera laufen. Immer hinter der Kamera laufen. Immer hinter der Kamera laufen.

“Always walk behind the camera” was our mantra for the night. We huddled near to the car as we always do, and every time one of us picked up our tripod to chase the aurora around the sky… “Immer hinter der Kamera laufen!” as to not cross in front of another mid-shot.

An obvious benefit to solar maximum are nights like this one, of course. All the most amazing colours, visible to the eye and everything, along with the most beautiful dancing structures.

The weather moved fast, as it often does here, but we settled in to a great little spot under mostly clear sky. The fresh snow on the mountains was magical. It felt like a really, really special night - the kind that became engraved in my memory.

It’s so easy to be in love with this lifestyle on these nights, and now more than ever, they aren’t ever taken for granted.


The journey north begins with a single pothole


Time brings all things to pass