Moving on
The middle of the night wake up and bury my frozen face back into a warmer blankets have been still alive and well. Cold nights and even colder mornings stayed unrelenting, but hot coffees with breakfast had never felt better in my hands.
These final days were full of walks around dirt roads nestled tightly into nature and time spent deep in the forest. Violent wind, rain and thunderstorms blew through both by day and night. I woke often to the comforting sound of the fire being stoked, which led to brief moments of bliss seeing beautiful twilight skies and sunrises for the few seconds I could keep my eyes open before falling back asleep. A late evening in front of Canadian football, America’s Got Talent, or HGTV was never passed on.
“It’s the sunset after a storm blows through kind of crap.”
This was a time of more than one ending, where winds constantly blew to bring so many things together. Photography, books, sleep, baking, so much about nature and all which can be translated from ‘hygge’ have been everything for me.
I wish I could give this to you in larger format, because the light on the train across the lake is so spectacular.