Like Being Hit Over the Head with a Frying Pan


Without any actual realization of time and space for what feels like an eternity, it’s been kind of hard to register winter. Up until a week or two ago, I could still scramble to run the garbage out in Birkenstocks and shorts or my mighty (men’s nightie - and I’m not going to apologize for who I am) and then scramble back up the front steps wondering when it got so cold. All the lakes have frozen and are being travelled by cars and snowmobiles but I don’t really understand when I stopped being able to kayak. Now it’s -35, and for the foreseeable future if you believe Environment Canada, and I seem to have lost all my cold hardiness because I don’t ever remember feeling so incapable of warming back up. But the aurora is still beautiful, especially concentrated in ribbons across the sky with the geminid meteor shower constantly catching my eye where the aurora is not.


That Home


Trusty September