A very messy time and an empty blog


The last month has been me surviving a relatively controlled level of daily chaos, with still far too little sleep and not nearly enough time in the days to keep up blogging.

CaptureOne is littered with nights and nights of aurora chases, all with beautiful stories to tell.

Each night, the hours into the early morning have been the calmest and slowest of my days and weeks. Gentle clear sky chases and magical timing with the aurora has been the soothing I’ve been craving. It’s a time where there’s no rush, nothing else to do but carefully read weather maps and travel slowly out between locations.

This underlying calm is something I’ve always loved more than anything in aurora chasing. There’s always still such excitement for each night, but the underlying calm from a chase of something we have no control over is, in an otherwise completely chaotic time, so soothing.

So here’s a short collection of some of my nights lately, from new moon to full moon.



The usual suspects


Equal parts exhilaration and exhaustion