Maybe the most beautiful night


Conditions were so good, the sky so clear, and my intuition so strong that I couldn’t stay on the sofa another moment.

It started gently, barely visible to the eye, but it would be just a matter of time, and not that much time. This beautiful display went on and on, ebbing and flowing, but many times circling back around to more and more of the most beautiful minutes and hours of my life.

There have been so many nights like this, leaving me with this exact feeling as it all happens, but still I cannot help feeling like I’ve never been under a more beautiful show across the sky.

Coming back home after 4am to twilight brightening in the northeastern part of the sky feels like the most Spring thing ever. It fills me with the hope of warmer days, summer storms, and magical light and ever lasting sunsets overnight. And I cannot wait for all of those things, but for now, April brings one of the most amazing stretches of clear nights and breathtaking spells of aurora chases.


Weeks of strong contrasts


Heaven on earth